A winery in Provence, France; architecturally carries the past and the future yet valid part of the landscape with its trees and bushes around.
Harvesting process on the grape field.
Entry view of the winery, light blue wooden blind symmetrically pop up on the light beige walls on the multiple story building.
Detail photo of the main facade of the winery, the facade carries of a shiny day's colors with its wall and blind colors and marks the entry door with a heavy, wooden door.
Top view of the winery building from distance on a bright and shiny day.
Outdoor patio in shade with brick wall in the back.
Exterior gathering at the winery, a great sycamore tree provides shade for the visitors.
Grandiose interior space leads to the wine tasting room.
An arena of double-tiered, gravity-flow fermentation tanks which is in the focus of the work to process the fruit.
Exterior photograph of the winery from a distance, the building shines in the rays of the setting sun.